Pre-Amp for Class D Amp

My brother use a pair Bel Canto 1000M(500W@8 ohm) class D power amp to drive a pair B&W 802D speakers. He is happy with the 1000M. The pre-amp is a Bel Canto Pre3VB. He want to improve sound. Is there any suggestion a better pre-amp to match 1000M? Thanks.
A modest correction, 3 volts amplifier input sensitivity would be considered "low" not high sensitivity. The lower the volts= "higher" sensitivity. An amplifier with .5volts is more sensitive than an amp with 2 volt input sensitivity for example.
I bought and built with some Abletec modules. I use them with great success with a Coda CL Preamp.
Your are correct Charles1. It was not written correctly. Thanks for clearing that up.
Bel Canto dealer here...

I have had great luck with matching up Cary SLP98's or 05's with the BC 500m's and 1000m's. Really nice match.

Rogue Hera/Athena also do well with them.

Cary, Rogue, Bel Canto dealer disclaimer***
Hey Goldprintaudio. I have an cary spl 88. I have the stock eh tubes and I also got sylvania gta's. The eh sounds a little boomy in the bass otherwise ok and the sylvania a little bright/hard in the treble. Would you have a suggestion on which way to go neutral/refined top end, articulate but not heavy lower frequencies. I wouldn't mind lightweight bass and a great mid-range and treble. Thanks