Power amp suggestions for Peachtree & Triangle

Looking for a power amp with a budget of < $1000 to give a bit more punch to my system. I have a Peachtree Decco 65 integrated driving a pair of Triangle Comete 30th Anniversary speakers that just isn't cutting it for me. Sounds fine listening at 9 to 10 o'clock where the Cometes really shine, but anything lower I find is flat and dull. Having to constantly adjust volume up to get that "wow" feeling indicates to me a lack of power.

I suspect there is heavy sound absorption at work in the room (shag-like carpeting and large sectional) so I'm not sure if this is the issue or the Peachtree is the weak link. The Triangle Cometes are highly efficient speakers with a max power handing of 80W and 8 ohm.

Have my eye on a PS Audio HCA-2 but would 150W be too much?
You need an amp with tone controls like the Cambridge or Marantz so you can add some bass when you turn it down. I don't think a more powerful amp is going to accomplish what you want, but I might be wrong. BTW, tone controls are making a comeback. The D'Agostino preamp has them, specifically for low-volume listening.
Tone controls? Radical!

A good idea actually. Issues with room acoustics are not ancient history, though tone controls on good audio gear often seems to be. I'd be willing to bet room acoustics are a significant factor in OPs case as described.

Its funny to me how FUD affected audiophiles often are, afraid of applying a simple solution that works and the rest of the world uses without a second thought.

Lots of good pre-amps, integrateds, receivers, and even some speakers out there with effective tone controls. Tone controls are the great "equalizer" among gear, no pun intended. :^) Try it, you might like it?
I'll be honest, when I heard "tone controls" I threw up in my mouth a little bit...LOL! Unfortunately, I'm satisfied using the Peachtree for its DAC functionality so most likely I'll be keeping it as a pre. I have my MacBook hooked into the USB so I may try playing around with equalizer settings on there.
Each of my OHM 5 speakers has 4 3 way 3 db level adjustments on board (+/- 3db or neutral) for 3^8 or 6561 different possible settings combined. It makes getting the speakers tuned into the room right much easier than otherwise. Couldn't live without them. Once I get the settings right, they tend to stay for along time.

I also have a smaller pair of similar speakers without the tone controls. Much harder to place optimally. Both tend to sound essentially the same when tuned in right.

No tone controls on my ARC pre-amp though. :-) I'd like to keep my audiophile club membership card, please.....
Nearly forgot...I had a Conrad Johnson MF2250. THAT was a great amp. Smoother than my Cary with more low end.

I like that tone controls idea, though...