Reference Monitor Recommendations Help-Please

Hello All,

I'm looking for input on some high quality reference monitors. I have a small room 12' x 13'. I'll probably use a Bryston 3B SST or 4B SST Amp and already have a Bryston BP25MC Preamp. For a Subwoofer, I already have a SVS 20-39 PC Plus (525W Active)ready to go. I'd like to keep the Monitors price $2,500.00 or under. Not too fatiguing on the ears but with rich (Musical) sound. Also looking for recommended speaker wire type and brand (under $1K). Respected Audiophiles, thank you very much in advance.
I commented on a similar thread a ways back. I qualified myself as a monitor-holic. The Penaudio line is an amazing line and for your room you cannot go wrong. I recently put a system together for a friend who wanted music in her entire house. Part of the system included Bryston amps and 3 pair of Penaudio Rebel 2s. In her living room (20 x 37) I added the Chara woofer system to the Rebels and there was no problem. So, for your purpose this may prove a very good option. Look at or Rebel 2s are $1500. As for speaker wire, Analysis Plus is a great value.
Try the VMPS 626Rs. 3-way monitor with a gorgeous ribbon midrange that handles the frequency range from 166 Hz to 10 KHz, so that the crossovers occur outside the crucial areas. I own these speakers and think they're astounding. Start at $1500 a pair discounted from dealers, up to about $2500 depending on options (finish, superior tweeter, different capacitor choices).

I have the custom Sound Anchor "bearded" stands (solid plate in front going down to the floor) as recommended by VMPS. Good stands are crucial, as another poster remarked.
I agree with 'Jla' that you should try the PMC speakers, they offer supreme detail and sound great.