Responses from cellorover
Preamp with separate volume control for each channel? Have you spoken with Anthony Chipelo who now runs the old Music Reference? There is still one bad device in your amp. | |
Conrad Johnson Mf-2500a amp and PF-1 Preamp Recap? If you like the amps, then consider recapping. The PF 1 has polypropylene caps which do not need to be replaced. The 2500A would need new electrolytic caps in the unregulated power supply. The factory price for replacing them would be in the $12... | |
Conrad Johnson MF2250A / MF2500A vs CJ MF2275SE / MF2550SE 47ghibli-- I have shared some thoughts on these amps. To answer your question more directly. Yes, I have owned and used them both, as well as the Premier 350 and CA 200 (ss amps, plus 4 other CJ tube amps). Have I listened to the 2500 and 2550 si... | |
Conrad Johnson MF2250A / MF2500A vs CJ MF2275SE / MF2550SE 47ghibli-- I provide concierge service for CJ. To add a little more to my earlier post. The main difference between the MF2500 and 2500A was internal wiring and binding posts. The 2275SE and 2550SE are an entirely new generation of circuitry and ... | |
Conrad Johnson MF2250A / MF2500A vs CJ MF2275SE / MF2550SE The MF 2250 and 2500 were basically the same amps but with different power. 25 years ago they were good amps but not the last word in detail. But musical with good control. The 2275 and 2550 SE are far superior in sound and build. The circuit and ... | |
Pass XA25 for my system If you think the Xa 25 is warm, take a look at your wires. | |
Pass XA25 for my system Hi. I have a Pass Xa25 and love it. It is very close to my tubes, CJ Classic 62 SE, my Heron mono blocks a d Resolution Audio mono blocks. It has a purity and ease that the others do not. My speakers, Penaudio Cenya Supreme, are 86db and 4 ohm. My... | |
Retirement integrated amp for a “fiscal conservative” For reliability and sound, as well as ease if use: any Luxman any Accuphase Pass Int 25 CJ CAV 60 S2 Belcanto E1x Resolution Audio CA 50 | |
Blown away by new Crimson 880 Amplifier and 710 Preamp! I used Crimson many years ago. I loved their form and sound. The DNM will be more open and musical. But the better step up would be Resolution Audio which was designed with DNM and is even more musical and engaging, especially their M100 mono bloc... | |
Conrad Johnson Classic 120se vs. Linear Tube Audio 40 Reference Amps @bluethinker glad to hear that the 120 was the right choice. I had a stick (16) of NOS Mullard EL34 and sold them. I found that the Sophia Electric Grade A EL34 were just as good for a lot less. Call CJ and get their NOS Slovak 6922. They are very... | |
ARC amplifier with Conrad Johnson Preamp The CJ will be more open and cleaner than the BAT. Cannot comment on the ARC. | |
ARC amplifier with Conrad Johnson Preamp Using the Cardas adaptors will not do anything to the sound. You can always change amps in the future. But the second part of your post has not been answered. By shelf speakers, I assume you mean monitors. What is your budget and music preference? | |
ARC amplifier with Conrad Johnson Preamp The CJ Premier 14 is a sleeper and will out perform many new preamps in the sub$7500 space. The board floats and has 4 screws that hold it place for shipping. Very musical and detailed. Very easy to just sit back and listened to. I liked it better... | |
Conrad Johnson CAV45-S2 8 ohm? 4 ohm? Other? The CJ Slovak 6922 are 1970 vintage some are earlier. That have a good inventory. | |
Conrad Johnson CAV45-S2 8 ohm? 4 ohm? Other? They use reissue EL 34 as do all other manufacturers. Their 6922 are NOS Slovak. The v3 will be a full 65 watts per channel. Should be out in March. |