Rare Music?

I am a newbie to this site but I have been observing for quite sometime. I don't know if this topic has been brought up before, but I thought I would give it a whirl.

Anybody got any Rare music, maybe by a known artist or a not so well known artist that you think others would enjoy? Or is anybody looking for a rare recording? Do you have Orginal Albums in mint shape that your proud to talk about?

I have been a fan of music all my life and rare recordings used to be a BIG hobby of mine but it seems that in the past few years, rare recordings have become pretty mainstream. It's not hard to find a Live "bootleg" (that ususally sounds bad anyway) or a "Japanese" import of an album marked up 30 bucks with the same songs as the domestic recording - or what about that rare B sides that just show up on a Box Set.

But when it was hard to find, it was fun.

I just noticed that the "Grand Funk Railroad - Survival" Album was just released on CD here in the US. I heard this album when I was a kid over and over again (the Quadrophonic Stereo recording I might add) and I haven't heard or seen it sinceand for a while there I was looking pretty hard.

Not that I am a huge GFR fan, but it sure would have been nice to find this when it was still hard to find.
I can't account for taste, but the following are pretty good and possibly rare:

Flim and the BBs Tricyle on 180g vinyl. Missing 'The Wedding March' song that's on the CD.

Blue Chip Orchestra on the Erdenklang Label. Two German synth players who don't sound anything like Tangerine Dream.

I have a very rare(I think) lp titled Monnwind from an English duo called Wavestar. Synth music with a melody.

OK I probably have an ultra-sophisticated collection of records and CDs.
I have lots of sophisticated electronics, avant-grade jazz, different types of progressive rock and even ultra-hard to find neo-classical pieces.
I also have a list for sale of the ultra-rare electronic synth german records that are realy more quiet than some of the CDs. I can assure you that if you dig onto these records you shall get high with no drugs just by listening. The prices vary from $12...20 per each and ALL original. If you know Roedelius or Klaus Schulze(from Tangerine Dream) you might even more appreciate the list if you would like...
There are electronic effects that demands an ability to bring very tiny and thin details that no CD or SACD can deliver!
Some of these records I'm not motivated to sell and if you want I can "show" you the list.
I also have mint originals of german krautrock but they probably die with me and I would be willing to listen to them the rest of my life.

I found the Colin James album on Yahoo:


No luck on the Passport album...
I have an LP of JIMI HINDRIX "Woke up this Morning and
Found Myself Dead" Featuring: Jim Morrison,hca,vcls,abuse
obscenities,mumbling; Johnny Winter,rhy gtr; Buddy Miles;
dms.Rec.Live at the "scene"Clud,N.Y.C 1968.Release "Red
Lightnin" record company.
And "THE BEATLES"Featuring;Tony Sheridan Release by:
Mr.Pickwick Records.
Not to offend anyone but I find the emphisis on exclusiveness rather than on quality disturbing. If the idea is to save rareities from extinction then I'm all for it. Otherwise it just confirms a lot of the negative comments aimed at audiophiles.