How many here heard the "Wall of Sound" Dead 70's

How many people had the great fortune of hearing the fantastic system the Dead used in the early 70's with the Wall driven by Phase Liner and Mac with speakers to the ceiling. Was it the best ever?
I thought the "Wall of Sound" was used in '74 only? I'm far to young to have been there, but I've got many bootlegs and the '74's definitely have a distinct sound.
I remember, I think, or was I dosed up on something somebody called windowpane. Oh well, anyway the sound was great. Some of the best times of my life and furthermore some of the best people I've ever meet.
I saw/heard the "wall of sound" at the Hollywood Bowl.I remember the moat was covered up with this huge ass colum of speakers. I don't recall the year exactly but I do recall it was the best sound system I ever heard untill the stones "voodoo lounge" tour.
I saw them in Portland Or. in about 1974, the sound was very good and in fact contrary to the usual festival 'standing' in those days, they actually seated the crowd! The Coloseum was notorious for echo, but the Dead sounded sweet...
I saw them twice in '74 and once in '75. I may be totally wrong (and I am a dancing fool) but I thought I saw the name Marshall through the haze on those speakers.....were they Marshalls driven by Phase Linear and Mac, or was MY linear fazed?