Neuance & Zoethecus,EMC-1UP & First Sound Preamp?

I am looking to "eek" that last extra bit of life out of both my Electrocompaniet EMC-1UP cd player as well as my First Sound Presence Deluxe Mk II preamp.

I have both units currently on a Zoethecus rack, on the z.Slab. I have also heard many positive rumblings about the Neuance shelf and have the following questions:

Has anyone used either component on the Neuance shelf?

Also, has anyone compared the Neuance shelf versus the Zoethecus z.Slab?

Any and all comments would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you.

I currently run the EMC-1UP through the analog outputs. What and/or whos mods do you recommend for the EMC1-UP?

Also, do you have any comments as to the performance of an EMC-1UP on a Neuance shelf?

Thanks for the info.
All the reference Zoethecus shelves are now replaced by Neuance shelves in my rig.

Zoethecus shelves do *air thing* well but lack in speed and opening up dynamics compared to Nueance shelves.

Aftermarket shelves should work well under your tubed pre.
I have both. I have a pair of mono amps on the Zoethecus; am waiting for the Neuance platforms for the amps. I have the Neuance under my preamp, the First Sound.
Interesting that others have suggested the Zoethecus adds "warmth." I observed that my system seemed "warmer" in the upper bass/lower midrange, but couldn't "dial" it out no matter how many tube traps I moved around.
Interestingly, although I had my CD player on the Neuance, there SEEMED to be vibration enough to mask the advantage of the Neuance, so I constructed an airbearing platform of MDF board and racquetballs (suggested on and found that the sound opened up immediately. Even a friend, at whose home I assembled it, commented on the new clarity in his system.
I'm certainly not suggesting that the Neuance doesn't kill vibration, but in this case, the homebrew airbearing platform was better in most ways.
HOWEVER, I still use the Neuance, as I said, under my First Sound. I'd try it under the amp, but Ken built it with a certain weight in mind, so I don't think it'll work 'til I get the actual platforms for the amp. Guess that means I have an extra Neuance platform at the moment. I think I'll try it again AFTER I place the amps on the custom built Neuances. Perhaps what's happening is that the Zoethecus is masking the dynamics that the Neuance shelves have in such great abundance. Don't know. But I'm certainly going to find out after reading this thread!!! I'll let you know.
Mphnkns, how much do your monoblocks weigh? From what I remember Ken said something about the platforms not being able to support anything over 60lbs. Does he have a new design to accommodate heavier components? Correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks!
The amps weight 65 pounds. I remember hims saying to my partner that the platforms' ultimate weight had a little leeway. We definitely, when placing the order, indicated the amps were 65 pounds, so I assume, if he had a problem with it, we'd know by now.