Best Speaker Cable choices for Solid State system

I have an all Cary solid state HT/music system. My concern is maximizing the sound of music (home theater will sound fine anyway).

What are some of the recommended speaker cable picks for solid state systems? I realize most of the people here use tubes but thought I'd ask.

BTW, I value the usual tube sound attributes even though I have a SS system. I know, I know - but most home theater stuff is solid state. Even Cary's.
I have used 1 speaker cable which I have kept for 10 years. Always sounded great to me so I have had no reason to change - Kimber 8TC. I feel this cable is reasonably priced and sounds great. While I cant say there are not better cables, these always deliver that goosebump experience for me. Midrange, treble, bass and dynamics. Just do a search on audiogon to see how fast these sell when reasonably priced. My experience includes Krell, Plinius, Quad, Levinson and Bedini solid state amps. Also includes mucho tubes including Cary, ARC, Homebuilt SET, and many vintage amps. Good luck with your search.
Can any of you honestly say your cables sound better than 16 gage zip cord? Have you ever done double-blind evaluations? Don't tell me it takes days of listening to tell the difference.

Could be wrong, but skeptical. I know there's a lot of magic, just wondering about the hocus.

Some of the speaker cables I've been considering for solid state (based on discussions here) include:

Goertz Alpha Core
Audience AU24
Cardas Cross
Cardas Quad 5C

Are the Kimbers a good match for a slightly bright SS system?

My system is on the bright side (using Klipsch horn speakers). I really love the NBS speaker cables (Signature series and above), they tame the brightness quite well. I also had great results with my VooDoo Reference speaker cables.
