Has anyone had experience with the Schroeder Arm

In a high res setup has anyone been able to compare this arm to the top pivoting competition.I think that the fact that the pivot is magnetic as opposedto a bearing like a unipivot(needing damping) should on paper be less resonant and maybe sound better.I currently own,and,am happy with a Graham 2.2,but the idea of a true frictionless bearing (all bearings have some degree of friction)really could make a real difference in a good setup.I'm not interested at the moment in straight line trackers with air bearings (although I love some of them)due to the hassle of external pumps and tubing runs.
Dear Frank: You have to be more serious about music reproduction: that's is all what I'm trying to explain.
No, I'm not braggin anything, if you can read in my post I write: " I'm in this long process ".
My statements on bearing friction can be probed , it is very easy to take an " open door ": " you don't know what you are talking about " ( this is an attitude " the principal speak to their pupils "). Can you explain why these statements are wrong?.
BTW, you have to be surrounded of reference frames: if not how can you know you are on or near the target with what you design?, how can you know what to improve in your design? or where do you do the comparision with what you design?. I have experience in the design and I know that we need a reference frame.
Like you I'm a concert goer and I think in that this is an individual musical experience, perhaps I can't explain this issue because my limitations with the english language, sorry for that.
When anyone one tell me why I'm wrong ( any issue ) I often admit it: I try to learn everyday, this is part of that " long process ".
Regards and enjoy the music.
Thanks for elaborating on some of the measures you've employed to control mechanical feedback from the cartridge, including chaotically structured armwand materials and other construction elements. I know you've done a great deal of work in those areas and that much of it is proprietary.

Thinking about 4yanx's question about CLD: it seems to me that CLD is an attempt to emulate on a mechanical scale certain things that chaotically structured materials do on a microscopic or molecular scale. Multiple interfaces slow and refract the transmission of energy, while a mix of differently dense materials absorbs energy at different frequencies.

Compare this with electrical transmission in a single crystal wire vs. a kinked or multi-crystal one. Although one energy is electrical while the other is mechanical, the energy transmission behaviors of structured vs. chaotic materials share certain similarities. A single crystal tonearm wire is fast, efficient, phase coherent and quiet, but a single crystal tonearm (or armboard) would be unduly resonant. I too would be interested in your thoughts on CLD, if you're willing.

Judging by the relaxed and musically transparent character of the Reference, as actually heard by Cmk, Cello, Teres, 4yanx and myself, it's clear that your materials and bearing are successful in controlling many undesirable mechanical vibrations. If only your methods worked so well everywhere. Perhaps some vibrations are just too low to be readily damped.

Keep up the good work. Like 4yanx, I can dream.
Hi Frank

Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to inform and entertain all of us on these anolog subjects.

Paul Costa
FranK: ¡ Eureka !. Someone ( a very kind man ), somewhere: it already send me his Schroeder tonearm, it is on the road.
Now I can test in my system.
Only for your records: I already has benchmarks in differents areas for a tonearm and for a tonearm/cartridge combos: we test ( do measurements ) scientific and subjective on: vibrations, resonance, energy disipation, traking, other parameters and general operation. We try with different test records like: TRS 1005, QR-2010, DIN 45 549,etc... and with different music records. We do tests at 33,45 an 78rpm records, in stereo and mono. We tests in normal condition ( example: with the ideal cartridge ), with in the limits and beyond the limits. We test with MM and MC cartridges some ones very dificult to handle for a tonearm, examples: weight cartridge 18grs and 6cu on compliance, weight of 12grs and 20cu on compliance, cartridges ranging from an ideal VTF of 0.7grs to 3.0grs.
We listen to some records where we were in the recording session. We use some tools like: Spectra Lab, Dynamic Mass analizer and some other Sound devices. We have an international lab certification and a very experienced subjective test team that don't have any influence eachother when we are testing any item.
Yes, it will be very interesting and a very educational experience.
BTW, yes I agree with you that it is not and easy task to have a full range system at home, but that is the Target.
Regards and always enjoy the music.

If someone sends me a Schroder (sorry, no umlaut) Reference to try, I'll say more than eureka! :-)