Well Tempered or Teres .....

After much deliberation, I have narrowed my choices down to either the Well Tempered Classic (used, round motor) or the Teres.

My preferences for my new table are a black background as silent as possible, and dynamics along with musicality.

My thoughts on arms for the Teres --- well Just like eating an elephant, one bite at a time, but maybe ET2 or Clearaudio Unify, but I will probably start with a modded Rega 250 in order to put some monies into the 300B amp fund.

I listen to a variety of music: Blues, Classic Rock, Alternative, Female vocals, piano. (not in any particular order.)

As Far as the Teres models, I am leaning toward the Teres with the cocobolo base, because I know that if I went with the acrylic base I would always kick myself for not waiting for the Cocobolo model.


Input is appreciated as to thoughts between the WT & the Teres cocobolo base table,and of course the facts and reasons behind those thoughts.

Just for kicks, how about the same question regarding the acrylic base Teres and the WT.

Thanks for the input.

Thanks for the heads up on the Teres wait, (I saw 6 weeks on his website) I guess I will have to live with that--

I would most certainly purchase the TWL Mod from TWL, as I feel its the least I can do in order to help support the inventor and credit is due, where its due :) I highly enjoy TWL's informative plus posts.

Is there a thread that covers your VTF mod? (adjusting the VTF in those increments without moving the CW sounds really slick!)

Now if I could get my nose outta the forums, and get some work done...

Six weeks is a long wait, but well worth it. You will never "kick yourself inn the ass" for buying it.

The rewire is not hard at all. You should have no problem. The hardest part of the TWL mod is popping off the caps! I did it for a minute, to see how it sounds, then took it off. Only because of the amount of swapping things around at this stage. When I have it set up for me & only me, it goes back. It's amazing.

Doug's VTF thread

Pretty neat, huh? It's fun to see what people will come up with to make our vinyl lives easier & better.

Feel free to email if I can help in any way.

Thanks Joe,

It just keeps gettin better and better--

I love this forum but it sure isn't gonna help my bank account any.

Ever see a hearse with a trailer hitch ? how about a luggage rack ?

Ya can't take it with ya!

Happy Listening,

Get a Teres 255 with a ET2 tonearm and if you can swing it go for the Shelter 901 cartridge, this setup will be very hard to beat. I have this setup and love it, very musical.

If you need an arm, get a Schroeder - you might wait six months, but it will be worth it. I have Schroeder Model 2 on my Platine Verdier with an Allaerts MC1B (also have a Hadcock GH228 - very underrated arm- and Decca London Gold).

The Schroeder arms deserve their rave reviews. Frank Schroeder makes 3 arms - the Model 2, Model 1 and Reference. The Model 2 gives you most, but not all of the quality of the Reference at about 1/3 of the cost (in the UK about 1000GBP). The Allaerts pickups also have a cult following. Jan Allaerts only makes 70 cartridges a year. The combo has fantastic deep and wide soundstaging, a refined top end and midrange and is transparent. Sure it doesn't quite have the slam of my Decca London Gold, but what does. I listen to an eclectic mix of music. In small groups, or with piano sonatas, I feel like I'm in the front row.

rest of my kit
Verdier Control B tube pre-amp with tube PSU
Quad IIs
Avantgarde Duo Horns
Musical Fidelity, and PHY-HP i/cs
QED Genesis silver spkr cables