inexpensive hdcd player or dac

i am looking for an inexpensive cd player or dac with hdcd capabilities. any suggestions?

The CAL HDCD Icon Mark II Powerboss is a great stand alone player that can be purchased used in the $500 range. For $65.00 you can send it back to the factory for a cleaning and check of all outputs, money I believe well spent.
some of the cal dac units, sigma etc., can be upgraded for about $450. both the deck and dac can often be brought on the used market for 400/500. i like the rotel unit also and its an 'in the box' solution. most dealers will let you do a take home so risk to see if hdcd is for you would be low. look for an hdcd software title that is already in regular cd format you own. keep the variables to the player. use the same cables etc.
The Parasound 1100 or 1500 DAC's have HDCD and are reasonably priced used.