A good cartridge between 300.00 and 400.00

I want to invest between 300.00 and 400.00 in a new phono cartridge that have enough definition ( toanl rightness, speed and detail without harshness).
What cartridge to buy?
Benz Micro Gold or Silver MC
Goldring Eroica MC
Clearaudio Aurum MM
Sumiko Blue Point MC
Audio Technica OC9 MC
My front end: Linn LP12 Cirkus with Akito II tonearm
Preamplifier: Spectral DMC 10 gamma ( very good phono stage)
Amplifier : Bryston 4B ST
Speakers : Quad ESL 63
Wiring : ( Interconnect and Speaker cables): Straightwire Virtuoso
I used the Audio Technica OC-9 for several years with an LP12 and thought it was good value for the money. I found the Goldring Excel MC to be much better...you might find a pre-owned with low hours for sale in your price range. One recently sold on E-bay for $330. Good Luck!
Contact Denon USA and ask for a Denon DL-103D. They had
a limited number at $228 + shipping. It is a CLASSIC
cartridge of superb musicality, at an absolute bargain
price. You'd be hard pressed to surpass it for less than
$1000. I bought one....... it's terrific.
The Blue Point Special is a good call if it matches your system. But I think that the current king of the low priced great sounding cartridges is the MM Grado Platinum Reference Series. Grado has found some unique ways to make an incredibly great sounding MM cartridge and it lists at $300.00. Dale
I don't see how you could go wrong with a Benz Micro Ace. They've got em' in low, medium and high. The price is usually $450.00, but you can definetly get 'em for less. I did and I love mine. Check out Musical Surroundings web site and then shop for one on this web-site.

Good luck!
Check out the Dynavectors......the 10x4 is in your price range. For a few bucks more you can the Dynavector 20H or 20L (H is for high output, L is for Low output). I own a 20H and love it.