absolute best component you ever owned

I am sure we all have a truely favorite component, be it speakers, amp, TT, listening chair, etc. What are your favorites?
Tireguy: You mean he wasn't talking about cleaning his ears with the corkscrew????????????????
My Cabasse Atlantis speakers. They retailed for $89,000. and were amazingly realistic, but alas, their size nearly caused me a divorce. Mt CJ Premier 8xs and Premier 16LS are the best amp/preamp combo I have ever heard!
Ah-soo, the "Ah-soo"!

You were nice enough to provide the thread and the advice on the "Ah-soo" Tireguy, and all I did was wax (that one is for you RC) sardonic. Writing a wrong ... my current amp, Rowland 8TiHC.

My opinion, for what it's worth.