The "Great Ones" are coming down in Price

If you were spending no more that $2500 on a HT Processor...
Lexicon MC1, Proceed AVP or Classe SSP50. And what do we know about future upgradability? I hear the MC1 is done. Thoughts? I must say, it's mainly for movies, but the room is for sights and SOUND!
Another thing to take into consideration is that the component, regardless of technology, is only as good as its parts. I have heard Dolby Prologic processors that sound better then some AC 3 processors.

I would bet that a three year old $2500 used processor that retailed for $5500 would sound better then a brand new $2500 processor with all the current technology.
I never cease to be amazed at the speed with which top-shelf, quality a/v processors lose their resale value while retaining their sonic excellence. I owned a Fosgate processor, which at the time I consider was the best pro-logic processor of the lot. It retailed for around $2,500, and I sold it last year for around $250. I loved that unit, but like everyone else, I wanted(needed?) AC3/DTS, etc. Nothing that I've auditioned since then (and there have been many, including B&K, Parasound, Classe, and my current Acurus) can achieve for music what the Fosgate did. IMO, it seems sometimes that the latest technological gimmickery has become more important than a unit's ability to perform.
I owned a Fosgate model 3A - second best processor I've owned. The best one is its replacement - the Citation 7.0. I attacthed a Pioneer sp-99d for Dolby Digital and now I'm set. I will use the Citation until it dies and when it does - I will look for another citation. The Great Ones are still the best!
I posted my original reply just about 2 years ago. I have sold the Cit. 7.0 since then. I bought a used Meridian 565 that had the 7.1 dts upgrade added. (About 10 leaps forward)----This Meridian for between 1300 and 1700,used, has to be the best "sound-for-the bucks" in HT--period. (No video switching,so "all" you get is sound quality)----AND, yes, in terms of sound quality alone,it will stay with or better anything mentioned here.
Lexicon had a CP3+ v4.0 .I would consider using it today to revive my stereo cd collection.There were so many variables in the music surround mode it kills me to think i let it go for a song.Hook this unit up with a DD/DTS processor and you struck gold for pennies.Live and learn....