State of the Source: Server, computer....or what?

There has been a lot of discussion here about the impact of having the best possible DAC for digital playback, from a long-runnning thread on Lampizator to the current thread where member Mattnshilp has been trying out a variety of DAC's in order to select what sounds best to him, but what constitutes the best sounding digital source?

So the questions for this thread are, what digital source sounds best to you and why? What features do you like in the manufactured music servers? And, can the sound quality from a well sorted-out Mac mini or CAPS style computer/server, with linear power supply, SSD, and the associated ability to use a variety of music players, upsampling options, memory play, and EQ, compare favorably with the manufactured server options that use preloaded programs or, are the differences primarily related to the manufactured options being easier to use than a computer, which requires the user to load and maintain the programs used?
How much for Antipodes' DX Reference?
Does "audioengineer" carry these?
Fla, their flagship model Antipodes "the Reference" appears to have a retail price at just below $7K. Perrotta Consulting is the only dealer listed in the USA.
We - Vapor Audio - have had a relationship with Antipodes for a few years now, attending many shows with them, and using their servers ourselves exclusively. We are also dealers for their full line, and will be showing their new products, including the around $1000 DP Network Player. We currently have a few lightly used Antipodes servers available as well.

Their sound quality, reliability, and ease of use are all impressive. Yes, there are a lot of compelling options these days for music servers, but the Antipodes certainly deserve consideration.
"We currently have a few lightly used Antipodes servers available as well".

Wow I didn't think these forums were the place to sell items, especially by a manufacturer. A bit of crossing the line here IMHO.
Vapor1, I did not intend to leave anyone out but Perrotta Consulting is the only USA dealer I found listed on the Antipodes website. Thanks for clarifying.
Have you, or any of your clients, compared the mid-level units (the DS Ref or the new DXe) directly with a well set-up Mac mini (e.g., linear PS, outboard HDD, inboard SSD, galvanic isolation of the USB line, and isolated USB power source not from the computer)? If so, what did you (or they) hear in comparison and, if the Antipodes server was preferred, what attributes, in comparison to the mini set-up, do you believe distinguishes the Antipoeds unit?