HiDiamond Power cords...

Has anyone tried the Power 3,2,1 power cords from HiDiamond. If so can you explain in best detail the qualities, strengths and which component you chose it on. I'm also curious which cords they compare to within the market.

Regards Bacardi

First I would like to say that it is great that you have found a power cable that works for you because in my opinion this passion or hobby should be about enjoying the music not how much money you spend.

Your comments are interesting but just for clarification; There have only been 10 HiDiamond P4 power cables ever imported into North America. Ozzy owns 1 x P4 and several P3 cables and he has done direct comparison to SR power cable. Bacardi owns 1 x P4 and several P3 cables and he has done direct comparisons against SR power cables. Floorplanner has 4 x P4 and several P3 and he has done direct comparisons against SR power cables. We have another 2 x P4 power cables going out for delivery today but they have not been received. I personally have 2 x P4 power cables on my system and the remainder of power cables in my system are P3. There are several 100 P3 power cables that have been sold in North America and I think I have seen 2 on the used market. When people compare the $750 2 meter P3 power cable to any other cables; they tend to do comparisons with cables costing 2-5 times as much. The P4 power cable is a complete different level than P3. Unfortunately P4 takes 30 man hours to build each cable and we are back ordered 2 weeks on our next North American order so that is the only reason more P4 cables have not been imported to North America.

My suggestion would be to do a direct A/B comparison as many of my clients have done and then give your opinion.
I wonder too if anyone has directly compared the HD P3 or P4 to the new S.R Element series cables. Those who have your comments are surely welcome....Thx.
hi, has anyone had the chance to compare the hd3 pc to the lessloss dfpc signature. thanks.
"Floorplanner"? Nice try Bob. And I have 5 P-4s, but who's counting, right? (and 5 less wall-warts...)

In my case, it was time for a change. My system is much quieter and more neutral, therefore more natural sounding and resolving than it has been before. This is with very few hours on the P-4's so I'm pretty sure it will get even better after a few hundred more hours.

All systems are different - these have just been my recent experiences comparing the HiDiamond with SR power cables. I have absolutely no desire to try the new version of SR pcs complete with "tuning bullets" and MPCs. My preference is now really just the opposite: to actually HEAR what I have spent many thousands of dollars for, UNFILTERED by "tuning cables" and the like. As I continue to "simplify", and "De-tune", the sound just keeps getting better and better. I wish I had realized this sooner, but I guess its just a part of this crazy hobby as well as a function of the various recent upgrades I've made.
Had floorplanner, Ozzy, Barcardi compare the NEW Synergistic Research Element Power Cords to P3 and P4 directly in their systtems??

I had a P4 lent to me by a friend and bought a P3 used. I compared them to the new Synergistic Research Element Powe Cords and I preferred and liked the Element Series over the HiDiamond. In my system and I.M.O. Synergistic is better. And comparing the prices, they very similar. Actually, the P4 is $200 MORE than the Element Copper/Tungsten Power Cord. And the P3 at $750 I did prefer the comparable Synergistic Element cords at $600 and $900 per cord much better. I.M.O. Replacing my ststem with HiDiamond cables cost just as much replacing with Synergistic Element cables. I chose what was better for me. Thank you.