Any advantages to bi-wiring speakers vs. single

Hi, I'm about to buy a Von Schwiekert VR 33 speaker pair after hearing them at RMAF. I can get single wire or biwire versions. Any advantage to bi-wire? Thanks.
I have single wire, biwire and triwire speakers. If I were given the choice I would go for single wire. I have biwired, biamped etc and single to me gives the best overall sound. I use to biamp my Duetta Sigs but when I get them renovated I am going to change them to single wire also. Why; I just think one amp seeing one impedance load traveling down one wire compared to 2 amps seeing 2 quite different impedance curves traveling down two separate wires is far simpler and likely to sound better. YMMV
Single wire is good. Bi-wiring that much better - eh, I dunno. Bi-amping - now we're talking, maybe (well, at least according to Elliot Sound Products and sites like that). The flexibility is probably worth something plus if you can bi-amp (and TIA moment - I haven't bi-amp'd VR33s) you might find something you'd consider worth the price of admission. Maybe start with and research more from that?
Usually it is well worth it. I can't speak for your speakers specifically but the several pair I have owned over many years have mostly been bi-wire and each of them have appreciated it. It also adds the freedom of bi-amping which opens up even more thrilling options. Plus, there's no harm done with the extra terminals except for the bit of extra $$$. Go with the bi-wire.