Kubala sosna new Elation cables

I will be very pleased to know if you have heard the news cables from Kubala Sosna, the elation series and how it compares to others great and expensives cables. thanks
Been too long (5 years) to give a meaningful comparison. I had the top of the line Omegas (some call it Omega Zero), and I do recall that it was a close call between it and the K-S Emotion. I ultimately felt the midrange and the overall tonal balance of the Emotion was a little more to my taste, more natural sounding, than the Omega. All IMHO, of course; some of my friends who heard the system liked the Omega better. And there was no question that the K-S was a lot easier to deal with, physically, than the NBS. I think the new Elation tends toward the Omega's transparency, but still retains the midrange and tonal balance of the Emotion.
I upgraded from the Emotion line to the Elation line when it was introduced(speaker cables,interconnects,power cords) and was amazed at the improvement over the Emotion. By no means am I critcizing the Emotion line which I still feel is a the best cable there is in it's price class but the Elation is on a different level.
In the Spring, I upgraded my interconnects and speaker cables from the Emotion series to the Elation series and I've been very happy. The sonic advantages of the Elation over the Emotion: Greater resolution, more nuance and delicacy in the harmonic texture, cleaner/purer and more extended highs with more sparkle, clearer, more transparent, more defined transients, better defined and more impactful bass, more dynamic and life-like, more focused imaging, cleaner space between instruments, better coherence.
I'm glad to find some stuff on this cable. It was just recommended to me and I suppose I've been in the dark as to not have really looked at the Kubala Sosna line. I will soon be testing the Emotion and Elation in my system start to finish. The emotion is more my price range but I fear that the elation will be the answer now reading this. Why do I have expensive taste, why???