Creative Cabling for Bass Quality

I originally posted this in a thread about improving the bass quality of Legacy Classic speakers, but I suspect other speaker owners might benefit from what eventually worked best for bass with the Classics.

It all began with me feeling the bass of my Legacy Classics lacked a bit of definition. Tightening loose screws on the woofers, tilting the speakers back a few degrees, and playing with room placement all helped, but not enough (I also tried plugging the ports, as one Audiogoner suggested, but thought the bass sounded terribly constipated). I biwired, and that helped too, but not enough.

I next tried biamping and found that tubes so sweetened the top end I didn't care for awhile about low end imperfections. As luck would have it, my Proceed preamp offered stereo sub output, and allowed a setting of 120hz -- thus matching the Classics’ low crossover point. Assigning my McCormack power amp to driving the woofers alone helped tighten the bass too, yet I still wasn't happy.

Next I wondered if bass-specific wiring might help. I had been using high end MIT cables for all, but now decided to use it only for the mid and upper ranges. After some experimentation I reasoned that speedy silver for the bass end might help tighten things, so I tried Signal Cable’s Silver Resolutions, and wala! . . . bass did indeed tighten significantly; further, despite warnings from some, I noticed absolutely no synch problems from using different cables for lows and mid/highs. Thinking a cable with more silver might work even better, I tried 12g pure silver, but lost the quickness (and then some) the Signals provided. I surmised that the skin effect rendered those particular thick silver cables sluggish.

I put the Signal Cable Silver Resolutions back in, and for a time lived happily with that set up (i.e., Silver Resolutions on bottom, MIT on mid/top). But being an avid jazz listener, in due course I missed the bass "weight" that the Silver Resolutions sacrifice to get bass quickness.

Hmmmmmm, what to try. I wondered if thick, flat copper like that found in Analysis Plus cables might help, and since a pair of Oval 9s were selling cheap here at Audiogon, I tried them. Sure enough, they added major bass weight, but completely annulled the quickness of the Silver Resolutions! Grrrrrrrrrr.

And here's when the best thing happened.

I had ordered the Silver Resolutions terminated with banana plugs, while the Analysis Plus Oval 9s sported spades; the posts for bass on the Classics, of course, allow for both spades and bananas, so I hooked BOTH the Signals and Analysis Plus cables to the bass-end set of posts, and then to my McCormack.

All I could do was sigh with satisfaction when I heard it. Exactly the effortlessly quick and weighty bass I'd imagined possible from the Legacys. And now many hours of listening later, I am still unreservedly content with that cabling arrangement. The only tweaking thoughts I've had is trying Oval 8s if I ever see a bargain, and possibly trying silver ICs between the preamp and McCormack someday (I’m using Audio Metallurgy GA-0 ICs now . . . actually I wish AM would make some silver GA-0s, I think their magnetic technology is a very effective concept).
Les3547, I'm happy to see you achieved the bass response you wanted from the Legacy's. I was biting my tongue when there were discussions of somewhat sloppy bass. I know the Legacy products (the ones manufactured since Bill Dudleston reacquired Legacy) and they would not be guilty of poor/unrefined bass.

I reviewed the Focus HD on, and it has some of the best low end I have heard in quite a long time. The bass response is so good that I sold my Vandersteen subwoofers. I was thinking that in your case other changes in the electronics/cables would change the picture, so I'm glad you discovered it.

Your conclusions are not surprising at all, except for those who haven't discovered the extent to which cabling makes a difference in performance. You were surprised by the realization that total gauge makes a critical difference in sound. I have done similar experimenting over the years with "doubling" cables and had the same results.

In fact, it is possible to achieve very similar results with any number of cables "doubled" as you did. The sonics will vary slightly, but the overall benefit will remain. Once one adds into the mix the cable geometry the results of experimentation get quite interesting.

After working with dozens of cable brands, I have settled on usually outfitting the system with one manufacturer's cables at a time. I found that when I'm impressed by the sound of a cable, I want it throughout the system and not just at certain connection points. If funds are limited, then the mix 'n match method can work fine.

Now, what do you think will happen if you double up on the mid/highs? You would likely be in for a very pleasant surprise. It makes for an attractive alternative to pursuing extremely high end cables - an option for the econo-audiophile to give his rig a relatively economical boost. :)

I did much the same kind of experiment when I first got into audio almost 30 years ago. I was a cable skeptic and saw some big, fat cables in audio stores. I decided to try out the concept, so I went to the hardware store and bought the thickest cable I could work with, which would still fit into the posts. By George, it made a difference, and at that time I noted that the bass especially was helped! And that was on a mid fi rig. It was essentially the same discovery you made, that total gauge is a factor in cable/speaker performance especially in the low end.

Your willingness to have an open mind to possibilities and creative thinking got you some good gains. Kudos!
Hi Doug,

Thanks for the complements. I might add one thing to your points. I think that in addition to gauge size, cable materials are important. I know what you mean however, because like you I remember about 30 years ago using lamp wiring for my speakers, and then buying some 12 gauge copper and . . . wow, no doubt about the improvement.

I think more copper might help the bass weight, but not bass definition since only the silver in my experiments brought out the definition. And there "more" silver seemed to actually hurt definition. Of course, I don't know what the quality of the silver used in the 12g cable was (I don't want to say the brand because they sell here), so quality could've been part of it. I guessed that the skin effect hampered, but I know plenty of people have calculated that and claim it is insignificant for audio (of course, these are usually engineers who claim if it can't be measured it can't be experienced).

So I can't say how much the design of the Silver Resolutions enhanced definition (from Signal's website: "Each cable contains 4 stranded silver conductors and 8 solid-core bare copper conductors"), and how much silver alone does it; I am mostly convinced silver helped because the results fit my hypothesis (i.e., I reasoned that since silver was generally speedier, then it should help better define bass). Obviously that's not thorough science, but I can't afford to test extensively (besides, it works no matter what the reason!).

When you asked "what do you think will happen if you double up on the mid/highs," my mind lit up. To tell you the truth, it never occurred to me to try it since the MITs do such a great job, and I am afraid of messing up their seemingly delicate balance of qualities. If you have any suggestions I'd would love to hear them, but it occurs to me that using two identical MIT cables might be the way to go.
Les, yes, certainly not only the total gauge, but conductor material and geometry are extremely important. That's why if you're going to double up you should try different couplings, as you will get different results with each set.

I reviewed the MIT AVt MA series several months ago. I would guess that you may actually end up with the MIT's on the bass, that is, if you can double up. I was using the MIT's on bass and Magnan Cables on the top for a while. Worked quite well with the Focus HD's. You will find with time that you might like more than one configuration and will be frustrated that you have to choose. That's when I eventually zeroed in on the best cable I had and used it throughout the rig.

I'm not convinced that double MIT's would be the best on mid/highs. Switch around the combos and you'll find the one which is best for you.

Silver typically yields a "cooler", more clinical, detailed sound. Not by much but enough to be worth a try if you have too much "muddiness" or warmth in the rig.

Change any one component and the magical cable changes will need to be reassessed. i.e. positions and combos
A synergy (optimum combo between components and wires) needs to be established. Once in place, tis sweet!

This is an option if you have the money and the time; purchase a couple sets of cables (i.e. set of MIT, and say, set of Audioquest, or whatever - get power cords, IC's and speaker cables). Do direct comparisons between them as sets, then mix them up once you're familiar with what they are doing. You'll REALLY know what you're after in cables as you do so.

It will tie up some cash. I had thousands tied up in extra comparison cables at one point, and they were all used cables! But, despite the tedious switching of cables and shipping, deals etc (It was a pain doing a dozen deals to acquire and then resell cables, it was worth it to me as I discovered precisely my taste in cables. When all was said and done I had a great learning experience, reworked my cabling, and it cost me very little except my time. I can now pretty quickly assess cables and pursue ones which will fit any given rig I have. I also found my favorite cable manufacturers. In mixed cables I liked the sound of MIT on the bass and Magnan on top. It will be interesting to see what you come up with.

The advantage of eventually finding the one brand which you prefer is that you will get coherence throughout the frequency spectrum with the speakers. Once you've gotten that brand settled, you can use the various offerings of that cable line similarly to how you're doubling cables now. Bonus!

One benefit through the process was that as the cables elevated in performance I discovered weaknesses in the other components, and I eventually switched source and amp as well! So, watch out, it can be a driver for a complete system overhaul! I would suggest caution regarding component changes due to cable changes, but when you get extremely good results with cables anomalies can be revealed which you didn't hear previously. That can put you on the search for a different source or amp. But that's not a bad thing. :)

There are definitely brands and geometries I would/would not use with any given speaker technology, but I can't give away all my secrets. ;)
Interesting. I have been contemplating a change in speaker cables. According to Signal Cable's website, the Silver Resolutions are constructed with two-thirds copper to one-third silver. I wonder what 100 percent silver construction would yield in terms of bass response??