Your favorite LP nobody has ever heard of

I prefer threads that talk about music than gear...and here is one. I assume everybody has a "go to"LP in their collection. A record that has formed a deep connection. A record you are protective of. A record you want to keep to yourself. A record so personal it hurts to reveal. For me it is... the Church...the Blurred Crusade.
1. The Misja Mengelberg Quartet
2. Fish For Fish -- Self/Titled
3. Fish For Fish -- Diving
... Only 2 albums created by this electro jazz project with copies limited to few hundreds in early 90's!
Well, the OP suggests in the Subject "LP nobody ever heard of".

And yet some mention albums by Sonny Rollins, Jefferson Starship, Captain Beefheart, T Rex, John Mayall, etc. I expect if those specific LPs were not big sellers they are at least known to come extent.

So, many may know Ricky Nelson but how many have heard his last album, "Memphis Sessions"? Then there is "Jazz at Toad Hall" by Ken Moule, anyone know that one?