Best type of stylus cleaner??

Hi. I've recently delved back into vinyl after many years. I have an Ortofon Samba MC cartridge. Maybe its an indictment of our housekeeping, but the needle seems to accumulate a lot of dust & tiny hairs or fibers, even after one or two records. I try to clean it after each play, but some of the dust/hairs are difficult to remove. I don't have the best record cleaner (SpinClean), but the dust seems excessive. Ortofon warns of using liquid cleaners; is there a consensus stylus cleaner or brush out there?? Is my problem unusual? Thanks.
Now get the Magic Eraser and be really amazed. Follow it up with the Zerodust.
I'll second the recommendation of Stylast #5. Works very well in conjuction with a cleaning brush with the short tightly packed nylon bristles. Like the old SC-1 Discwasher brush or the up to date equivalents sold at various retailers.