Phono Preamp suggestions?

My current system is set up as so:

- McIntosh MA6100 Integrated
- Linn Sondek LP12 w/ Lingo, EKOS arm, Arkiv cart

I've already determined the onboard phono stage on the MA6100 is not going to cut it for this low voltage MC cart; so, what would be a good phono preamp to handle this type of situation? Is a step up headamp or transformer an option also? Or rather, what features should I look for in a phono preamp to make this set up most efficient?

Yes, a step up transformer is an option. Art Dudley did an article on several models in Stereophile. The key is to match your existing setup.
The big question is:whether the perspective cartridges prefer to be loaded with a transformer or are they best served by a high-gain phono stage.
a nice feature which not all phono preamps have is a mono switch. Not a killer if not there, but if comparing two or more and everything more or less is even it could be a tie breaker