SS phono stage in $2k to $3k range...

I'm looking to purhase a new phono stage. I'd prefer solid state. My budget is $2k to $3k. I'd like enough gain for typical LOMC. My preferences are low noise, detail, nice soundstaging, no harshness, and flexible loading options. On my radar screen are the JLTi (w/power supply), Whest PS.30R, and Pass Xono (used). I'd like good build quality and reliablity, but these are probably inherent in a SS phono stage in this price range. Any others to consider? Anything about any of these three candidates that make them stand out in a good or bad way relative to the others? Thanks!
Perhaps a used Klyne 7PX. Very natural sound, not the dreaded 'too revealing' so you can't listen to half your LP collection. They're relatively rare compared to, say, a Pass, but worth the wait IMO.
Here's my bargain tip: The SS best phono stage I ever heard was a the integrated phino stage built into the Motif MC-8 preamp. Motif was Conrad-Johnson's high end experimemt in the 1980s, and it was fantastically built. They typically go for less then $800 used if in great shape. Use it as a dedicated phono stage if you already have a pre you like. No remote.

If you want/need a remore, the Conrad-Johnson PF-R is essentially the same thing (albeit not built quite as well) and includes a remote. Used for less then $1K.
ASR Mini Basis, exclusive version.
I own the Whest Audio PS30 RDT (double tranformers) and it's a Magical phono stage , never heard something similar at any price
Probably a Klyne 7 Phono Stage.Closes the gap between Transistor and tube sound. Much better sound than Whest 30, Tron , Xono... Adjustable, high gain, reliable...