turntable skipping with footsteps

Amongst all the expensive turntables around which are likely to skip with footsteps on a house with wood flooring..
Once own a basis table and was skip free even with jumping on hardwood floor
How do you fixed it other than a wall shelf...
I settled my LP12 down with Aurios and I added a brace under the floor. ut the Aurios seemed to do the most.
I have had several turntables, and I have found that floor and rack made more difference than anything. I would say to go with a piece of equiptment that sounds as good as possible and then get a rack which is as stable as possible. Some floors just will never be stable at all. I had a SOTA which you could jump next to, and now I have an LP!2 which is quite sensative. Personally, the arm and cartridge I have (benz ace/rega) I am sticking with the Linn because I simply spent the requisite money on a great rack. It is still effected, but is much better. I am happier with the sound overall, so it is a trade off.
I had a spring-suspended and could not cure the problem. It was only resolved when I went to a non-suspended table.
Hello Umaasa, you may want to read Halcro's excellent post on turntable feedback. Could you narrow down or give more info on where you're at or looking for?