Two-Year-Olds and Turntables...

Of all the off limits household fixtures available to test one's serenity, our granddaughter has zeroed in on my humble-but-muchly-treasured MMF-5 as central object of interest when she comes to visit us. I really really really don't want to move the turntable from its current, meticulously calculated, location if at all possible (It's low, unobstructed by superfluous cabinetry, and on the side wall relative to speakers and LCD monitor.) but would be very interested in how some others have successfully dealt with this type of situation from a kinder/gentler standpoint.
Unless you plan to CONSTANTLY monitor, you should move the table to a higher spot, out of reach. I've seen firsthand the damage a child can do to cartridge, tonearm, and valuable vinyl. Not pretty!

Why put yourself through the stress, and the parents through the possible guilt?

Go high, preferably with a wall shelf.

I have the same problem and solved it by placing a strap or belt around the plinth and cover which I remove when my grandchildren are gone. Works just fine.

Of course, that didn't stop my grandson from tweaking the treble on my C2200. I went through 3 sets of tubes 'cause I didn't like the sound before I discovered that the problem was the treble knob that was cranked to the Max. After living without bass and treble controls for 15 years I completely forgot about it. As my son would say... "Well, Duh!"
OK. OK.. So, Gramps is a slooow learner...