Is this the END of DAYS for the high end CD player

Seem like this format days are numbered like the cassette and LP. Why would you want to spend 5k or 10k+ for a high-end CD player or DAC combo??

Just trying to see what other audiophile’s thoughts are and where you guys & gals may be planing for the future. Do you stop here at the high end CD player and this format or go completely too digital files?

I'm at a quandary about investing into an expensive CD player setup.
It might have a forestalling effect, but high end CDPs are not on their way out. Just as vinyl soldiers on, CDs will as well. As extracting that last bit gets better, just as it has with vinyl, audiophiles will discover "what they've been missing" all this time. R&D on DACs and servers and computers will continue to serve the CD format simply because some will tinker and continue to experiment.

If I were to come into a tidy sum, I'd jump, feet first, into servers and such but its still evolving at a dizzying speed so as to preclude me from doing so. There is some inexpensive stuff out there that is giving great enjoyment but its continually being eclipsed by the next discovery. Until the dust settles, somewhat, I'm stubbornly sticking to CDPs.
Opinions are only as good as your preconceptions.

Personally, I am very happy with what I currently have and see nothing that is securely established enough to convince me into further investment. Furthermore, I see nothing being phased out, in-fact to the contrary of. More music is available on CD today than all else combined and vinyl is making an impressive resurgence.
Wow Nice responses from everyone and thanks. I was leaning towards investing in a highend DAC which supports hi-rez playback.

I have a tidy collection of CD's some of which I will sell and the rest that I keep I will either download or just connect to the DAC and playback on an apple laptop for now

I'm not always up on the latest tech and I still have vinyl and Tape project in the mix to.
Thanks again for your input
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