I see the issue with ABX blind testing

I’ve followed many of the cable discussions over the years with interest. I’ve never tested cables & compared the sound other than when I bought an LFD amp & the vendor said that it was best paired with the LFD power cord. That was $450 US and he offered to ship it to me to try & if I didn’t notice a difference I could send it back. I got it, tried it & sent it back. To me there was no difference at all.

Fast forward to today & I have a new system & the issue of cables arises again. I have Mogami cables made by Take Five Audio in Canada. The speaker wire are Mogami 3104, XLRs are Mogami 2549 & the power cords are Powerline 10 with Furutech connectors. All cables are quite well made and I’ve been using them for about 5 years. The vendor that sold me the new equipment insisted that I needed "better" cables and sent along some Transparent Super speaker & XLR cables to try. If I like them I can pay for them.

In every discussion about cables the question is always asked, why don’t you do an ABX blind test? So I was figuring out how I’d do that. I know the reason few do it. It’s not easy to accomplish. I have no problem having a friend come over & swap cables without telling me what he’s done, whether he swapped any at all etc. But from what I can see the benefit, if there is one, will be most noticeable system wide. In other words, just switching one power cable the way I did before won’t be sufficient for you to tell a difference... again, assuming there is one. So I need my friend to swap power cables for my amp/preamp & streamer, XLR cables from my streamer to my preamp, preamp to amp & speakers cables. That takes a good 5-10 minutes. There is no way my brain is retaining what I previously heard and then comparing it to what I currently hear.

The alternative is to connect all of the new cables, listen for a week or so & then switch back & see if you feel you’re missing anything. But then your brain takes over & your biases will have as much impact as any potential change in sound quality.

So I’m stumped as to how to proceed.

A photo of my new setup. McIntosh MC462, C2700, Pure Fidelity Harmony TT, Lumin T3 & Sonus Faber Amati G5 & Gravis V speakers.



... When they say, ’aka people who can’t or haven’t developed the ability to use/trust their own ears’ I am done with the discussion as arrogance rules the day ...

You've proven your point admirably well.

Testing hearings ability in some conditions is not the same as testing cables in some others conditions...

Accusation of "golden ears" are stupid. Each ears /brain perceive differently in his own hearing environment with his own systems...This is a scientifically proven fact in musical and speech acoustics...

Denying the validity or the usefulness of blind testing is also stupid. But there is difference between using simple blind test in my home as i did in my acoustics experiments and training  and using ABX DBT on statistical chosen population and using it to demonstrate as in a circus run by techno cultists some audiophile claims...😁

All that is conflated as "science" ... This conflation is preposterous...

This is why most cables debates are useless, there is too much factors and parameters meaningful in many fields and those who discussed are biased as : cables dont make a difference and cables makes powerful differences. Which neither claim is true because it is related to very different possible factors at play...

The less useful discussion are about cables...

The more useful one are about acoustics concepts ( not mere room acoustic ) and in second only about gear design ... 😊

Well, to the 'Golden ears' how were you trained? When I think of training of the senses, I think of how Sommeliers are trained. They are trained on taste, smell, grape, terrior, etc. They are all trained the same way. No audiophile is trained that way, unless they are a musician. Otherwise, just listening to cables is like being home schooled. That is all ego, all it is, to think one is as good as say as sommelier.

Sorry, that is why blind testing is important it takes the ego out of it.

Why apologize for your beliefs? No one who knows better will take issue with your hubristic statement. Been there too many times to count. This is old news. They'll just move on, making improvements in their systems by using that which has served them so well all this time: their ears.

As for Somms, have you ever met one and did a fair amount of wine tasting with them? If so, you'd find your analogy a faulty construct. Their ability to discern is inherent in their DNA, like all of our senses. Some are "wired" for it, others not so much, with lots of grey area between the two. Out of a couple thousand DNA combinations, around 300 make up an individuals tasting abilities, making it almost (if not just like) fingerprints: no two are alike.

Same goes for ones hearing, eyesight, sense of smell, and touch. I've seen someone reading font of this size (about 15 for my purposes) from a chart a good 12 feet away, easily (he had 15/20 vision and was testing his son who was the same while bored in the DMV). Why would one think all hearing is alike and begrudge others who just have better hearing capabilities? That is ego.

All the best,


Are you a scientist?


If yes how can you ignore that the main training of the ears/brain in audio is related to acoustics with an "s", a substantive then not mere room acoustic ( an adjective).

When you experiment with acoustics, you can for example modify the room reverberation time and you learn how to feel it by modifying the parameters at play...

You can modify the ratio between reflection and absortion...

Etc... You can play with the pressure distribution zones of the room with resonators specifically tuned...

Do you really think that all i have to train my ears is changing the cables?  Perhaps  this lack of imagination related to the way to modify the sound characteristic   reflect your own impotency more than mine... I dont use just  cables to control my own system/room  by far...

It seems you had never read a book about acoustics nor never experimenting with acoustics and you called ABX DBT "science" ? It is not science it is just a tool useful in the industry...

And you call me a "golden ears" as if it was an insult because i trained myself with acoustics basics .

What is "timbre" ? How do you think we can learn it ? Just listening real acoustic instrument is not enough, we must modify the acoustics parameters of the environment where these acoustics instrument will be played lived or in playback  or recorded ... This is science applied basic concepts... Timbre is defined by at least 5 characteristic parameters we must learn how to control...

ABX DBT test yourself...😁

In my room tuning i only needed simple blind tests to reinforce time to time my incremental path of improvement in the tuning process...thats all ...

How do you think i tuned the damping load of my damped speakers near + or - 100 grams of load on 80 pound? by listening as a tuner tune a piano WITHOUT the need of an ABX DBT test for each notes...😁

How do you think i tuned my bundle of tubes size and length choices for my rear porthole speakers new design ? By ears...


Let me smile...at your science ABX DBT which reflect ignorance and the use of expression as "golden ears" as insults to top your ignorance as a flag ...


By the way learning acoustics basic with our ears has nothing to do with my "ego" . It was my hobby to create a system/room at low cost and be creative doing so instead of buying costlier gear pieces as false solution for an acoustic problem...



Well, to the ’Golden ears’ how were you trained? When I think of training of the senses, I think of how Sommeliers are trained. They are trained on taste, smell, grape, terrior, etc. They are all trained the same way. No audiophile is trained that way, unless they are a musician. Otherwise, just listening to cables is like being home schooled. That is all ego, all it is, to think one is as good as say as sommelier.

Sorry, that is why blind testing is important it takes the ego out of it.