Audiophilism is a hobby

This post grew out of another discussion on music vs. sound. According to a poll taken in that discussion, it is clear most A’goners claim they listen to their rigs primarily for the music. Although I don’t doubt the truth of that, I maintain that much of the listening is as a hobby, with music being a very important component. I’m not saying we can’t be profoundly moved by the music but rather that a lot of our enjoyment comes from the sheer sound emitted from our speakers. Great music is of course a vital part of the experience, but with all the manipulations we do with our systems, we  are fascinated by the idea of sound in itself as a hobby.


We figured in a previous thread that there less than a million audiophiles in the US and of that group only a small number care enough to post about it on internet sites.

This estimate is probably off and the number is a lot higher, imo. The younger audiophile is a "home theater" guy, with a HT setup, spatial headphones, etc. I know quite a few of them in my city. They view audio as a multitasking system for their music, movies and games. Their setups tend to sound shockingly good and in many cases may beat the daylights out of some of the $$$$ channel based purist systems around here.

The older lads here probably have little to no idea about the above mentioned, play games, etc. Purist stereo rigs my be a dying breed, but, the above mentioned is not. If these uppity audio brands don’t repurpose themselves a bit, they will be closing shop soon enough.

The fact that AV forums have skyrocketing memberships and sites like Agon have dwindling membership should be initial proof.


For those who say they don’t understanding the issue or “the angst,” it is thus:  

As advantageous as high audio fidelity is, the processes by which the music lover achieves such is very often deleterious to actually loving the music. It’s hard to love the music when instead of just loving it one is very pre-occupied with the scrutiny of fidelity-related minutiae.  
Non-Audiophile Fred is just sitting there loving the music.  
Audiophile Billy is sitting there fretting about the distortion, the transient accuracy, the imaging, the soundstage, on and on and on and on….

Fred is actually enjoying the beauty, wonderment, emotional richness, mental stimulation, perhaps even transcendence that music provides.  
Billy is a ball of anxiety, angst and minutiae-scrutinizing madness.
That’s the issue and “the angst.” 


I concur with what you’re saying. Those who don’t “fiddle” with their rigs, but are happy with the sound they are achieving can probably also be termed audiophiles. But the nature of this forum is that it dedicates itself to the type of audiophile who likes to manipulate equipment, which I consider rates the category of a hobby. If you’re not interested in the manipulation of equipment why would you become a member of Audiogon? Once you’ve achieved the sound you’re happy with you can join a music forum.