So sad about Netflix sound quality. No one can hear it

It’s really strange situation when Netflix creates good stuff on their side and they probably record it at a really high-quality level. Yet no one on the planet can hear it because streaming doesn’t allow people to hear it due to compression crap. Isn’t that the strangest thing ??

And further this sadly applies to all other streamers too. What a strange world we live in



PS.  I just bougth a 4k DVD player and bought Oppenheimer in 4k.  Will test it next week.  While this solves the problem for good movies (you can buy a 4K DVD for less than 2 theatre tickets), it doesn't solve the problem for random moives you want to wath occasionally.  That said, Netlix is far from the worst.  I refuse to watch a movie on Hulu.

My new DVD player will also be my HD streamer and it is supposed to have upscaling so we will see if that helps Netflix.


How does better streaming sound quality work with an Apple TV box which is how I get Netflix and other streaming sources?  I'm not sure Netflix is even broadcasting better quality sound. I'm just saying that they recorded on their side and yet no one gets to hear it because there's no way they can send out a better signal. Upscaling is an idea but that may not be very practical and not sure how that would work and devices required etc.

Where is the info about compression, (and pseudo surround)?

I use all sources from my cable box/ethernet cable/Smart TV apps (no external streamer like Apple TV involved).

OFTEN, like broadcast the Voice; American Idol; YouTube ..... I change my AVR to 2 channel stereo, (or Direct which turns out to be 2 channel stereo), and it sounds better than whatever pseudo surround that is created somewhere _______? by somebody _____?

Netflix creates good stuff on their side and they probably record it at a really high-quality level. Yet no one on the planet can hear it because streaming doesn’t allow people to hear it due to compression crap.


Do you have any information to back up any of this up?  This sounds like some random made up complaint with no actual information.


Are you saying the Stream available from Netflix is uncompressed? I think that would be news to a lot of people.  The signal is not a full band width Signal otherwise bluray and kaleidoscope sources,etc would not be necessary.

Unfortunately kaleidoscope doesn't offer streaming services.

So I am a little confused why you believe otherwise.