quest for speaker upgrade

good day all, i am looking for advice for my next speaker upgrade  my budget is 20K


i have been exclusivley a 2 way monitor stand mount type of person but would like to make the jump into floor standers


i currently have a few pairs that i swap out occasionally

they are as follows

Diapason Micro's

Totem Model 1's

Salk sound  SSM6


i use a solid state amp from YBA  and i also have an older McCormack DNA 1

i stream  music from Tidal no other source


currently i am looking at these models


Alta Audio Adam


Gershmann 30 anniversery Grand Avant Gard


room size 20 by 20


i would appreciate any other  suggestions  in that price range at this point i am leaning towards the Gerhmann  mainly because they are Canadian and made locally about 30 miles from me


You will be in for an amazing experience in upgrading to that level of speaker.

Speakers come with sound characteristics that are vastly different. Vastly! So, I recommend not considering anything other than sound quality as a first cut. If at all possible go to a city and listen to some of the major categories of speakers to see what kind of sound they have, and what you are drawn to. That kind of money really is best spent after exhaustive listening.

I would listen to Sonus Faber (musical and natural not un-totem like), B&W (huge punch with a bit of sizzle), Magico (really fast accurate and clean), Wilson (detailed and holographic), Magniplanar (ribbon, really fast and detailed). Each will be supported better by certain kinds of components. So, you are starting in the right place.


But take as much time as you can zeroing in on the sound you want. Your experience with different speakers you have now will be of value.

Another vote for a Canadian made iconic speaker company:  Verity Audio.  I have been enjoying VA Parsifal Ovations since 2010.

Verity Audio speakers are engaging, detailed, effortlessly musical and easy to listen to for long periods without fatigue.

In my second system I have a pair of Joseph Audio Pulsar stand mount speakers and I find them to be warm, detailed and musical.

i thought Verity went out of business?


i might add  Sonus Faber to my short list  i was contemplating Diapason since i already own a pair of their Micro's  but their floor stander is upwards of $80K  way out of my 20K budget

Verity Audio ceased operations in Dec 2023 but there are still some speakers available in the supply chain (dealers, distributors) as well as the used market.

They have a great reputation for reliability, and I would have no hesitation in buying a pair.