Is positive reinforcement why things are sounding better?

So I buy a nice amplifier and later I buy a nice preamplifier and then later I buy Nice speaker cables and each time things seem to improve nicely.

And then I buy telefunken 12ax7 nos tubes for a tube amplifier, and improved tonality, clarity and  a tighter sound is what I get and it's very engaging (tubes are only a few days old). The cymbals seem to come through with more openness.

Things seem to be sounding pretty good and I'm saying to myself is it real or is it just positive reinforcement playing with my head? And the devil is telling me oh let's buy more NOS tubes for the rest of the amplifier. The effects of positive reinforcement can be very expensive. 

Just curious if positive reinforcement experiences have occurred for others, and how can you really tell?



thanks! your testimony is very clear!

You said it better than me and with few words...😊


This will help those who think that "tasting " the gear is the key...

Or those who think that measuring the gear specs anew is the key ...

We dont lack deluded people thinking acoustics concepts and parameters are secondary to gear price tags ...


+1 @mahgister

Before I built a properly soundproof listening room and then spending a couple years finding the proper acoustic treatments for it to sound good to my ears, no way was I able to accurately assess the values, positive or negative, of any piece of equipment.

if done right,  better equipment will sound better..and certainly changing tubes can make a significant difference...

confirmation bias does not last very long.  over the longer run is where you tell if an upgrade really is an upgrade.

Well said. I tried to lie to myself about Be tweeters until I just...couldn't...take it.

Those of us who practice this hobby have a pre determined idea of how we want our system to sound

That's not true for me. I don't actually know. I have a hold of a few preferences, but one of my experiences with hearing new systems is getting a new idea of how something can hang together beautifully.

In this sense, hearing new audio systems is like traveling to new places -- you just can't conceive it until you go there.

I have a hold of a few preferences, but one of my experiences with hearing new systems is getting a new idea of how something can hang together beautifully


confirmation bias does not last very long. over the longer run is where you tell if an upgrade really is an upgrade.

Well said. I tried to lie to myself about Be tweeters until I just...couldn’t...take it.

Confirmation biases has nothing to do with "lying to ourself" in particular or specifically ...

«Confirmation bias (also confirmatory bias, myside bias,[a] or congeniality bias[2]) is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one’s prior beliefs or values.[3] People display this bias when they select information that supports their views, ignoring contrary information, or when they interpret ambiguous evidence as supporting their existing attitudes. The effect is strongest for desired outcomes, for emotionally charged issues, and for deeply entrenched beliefs. Confirmation bias is insuperable for most people, but they can manage it, for example, by education and training in critical thinking skills. »


For 40 years by acoustic ignorance i was comforted in the choice of speakers i made, by all i read, all i experienced , till the end when i sold them not because i was lying to myself but because i was ignorant of acoustics and the way to make them really shine at their optimal. ( which would had been like comparing day and night for ANY speakers anyway)

My confirmation set of biases was born from all the reviews i read for 40 years confirming the Tannoy dual gold as top speakers AS IT IS plug and play... I did know nothing about acoustics optimization extraordinary tools .

I was deluded by their reputation , price tags at the time (high end), and my limited knowledge and all others speakers i experienced put in a living room with no acoustics particular caution confirmed me in my biases...I felt good as i was comforted in my set of biases by time passing and by comparison ...


Those of us who practice this hobby have a pre determined idea of how we want our system to sound

This is certainly mostly true because we know what are the parameters at play which must be put under controls for a specific speakers design to make it shine in a SPECIFIC ROOM ...

A bookshelf is not a big magnepan for example...

Once the right electrical, mechanical and acoustical working conditions are adressed we will had natural timbre and listener envelopment. In the window of possibility resulting from the gear pieces design choices and trade-off ...

Only passive consumers will have no idea about what could be the optimal experience and how to make it possible for the chosen pieces of gear...



For sure if i travel as a tourist from one showroom to another i will never had any idea about how the next system will be and i will learn almost nothing because it is not me that played with the speakers/room parameters to improve them ... my tourism audiophile will only confirm my own  biases i will call my tastes... 😊