Wool Blankets as Room treatment

Just noticed Pendelton has some really nice wool blankets that can be hung on the wall.  They even sell the fixturing.  I would assume the wool blanked would have some beneficial properties for a blank wall?


It will help with slap echo, but it will do nothing for mid and low frequencies.  Put wool blanket over your head while playing music - what you can hear will be reflected from the wall.   Even 2" thick double density (heavy), acoustic rigid fiberglass panels works only from about 100Hz up.

Check out on second page sound absorption vs frequency.  I have 2" thick 817 panels (never installed).

Absolutely! :)  Certainly better than nothing at all if you have bare drywall.  A combination of reflection and absorbers is usually desirable.  Also GIK and others make panels you can have art printed on them.

If you like the look of the blankets hung like tapestries, then put insulation panels or diffusers behind the blankets.