Wool Blankets as Room treatment

Just noticed Pendelton has some really nice wool blankets that can be hung on the wall.  They even sell the fixturing.  I would assume the wool blanked would have some beneficial properties for a blank wall?


Showing 2 responses by erik_squires

A while ago I suggested to listeners to try using blankets as a way for them to hear how acoustic treatments could improve their listening experience.  About half the replies were derisive, and then the other half included people who tried it and now knew how much acoustic treatments could be worth to them.

OP:  Don't forget the ceiling between speaker and listener.  I find this really opens things up when everything else is dealt with.  An easy place to put white panels.

Absolutely! :)  Certainly better than nothing at all if you have bare drywall.  A combination of reflection and absorbers is usually desirable.  Also GIK and others make panels you can have art printed on them.