Stolen property

How to confirm speakers not stolen?


I would suggest that just the fact that it crossed you mind it probably is not a good deal.  Every dealing I've had there was not a red flag (let alone a pink one).

There is literally tons of equipment for sale...only deal with reputable dealers with a track record.

Just my 2 pennies.



Asking for advice on here is like looking for peace and quiet at a dental office. 

Honestly, what would it matter if stolen or not? Your never going to know the either buy and get a great deal, or pass. Unless of course the product is counterfeit...This equates to finding a 100 dollar bill on the sidewalk, and then questioning whether to pick it up and keeping it, but then feeling bad about whoever lost it. 

Because if ownership is established after the fact, you forfeit the goods.

Honestly, what would it matter if stolen or not?