Are your record surfaces as silent as CDs?

When I got my new analog setup (please refer to my profile if interested ) I was very surprised that surface noise virtually disappeared from most of my records.  It’s like I was listening to CDs.  I’m wondering if others have had that same experience.with their setup.


I have to agree with @rauliruegas in that with good TT, Tonearm, cartridge & Phono preamp, vinyl is nearly as quiet as digital. That is the norm. However, dust, seems to get in places which would seem impossible. I use anti-static sleeves & put them 90 degrees opposite of the cover opening, which is on the side. Somehow, dust STILL seems to get into the sleeve & on the record. This is what necessitates the use of an anti static brush for the album before play. Near perfect playback until one tiny particle cause an occasional tick. its not every album but sometimes. maybe I need to turn the sleeve 180 degrees. 

For removal of any visible/invisible dust particles before play, I use the Furutech Destat III followed by a 'rocket blower' (as used when working with negatives in the darkroom). Nothing except a stylus touches the record after it has been cleaned.

Mostly yes.  But my cleaning is a bit "over-the-top", though obviously it doesn't repair physical damage.  Fortunately that's not a common occurrence for me.  But I'm happy with it so nothing else really matters.  😃