Handling Heavy Amps

There are several amps I’m interested in possibly purchasing but I’m dissuaded because of their weight. I’ve had lower back issues so I need to be careful. I live alone. Even if my wife was still alive she would not have been able to help much. Also Children live far. I see that many of you have these 60-100 pound behemoths and I wonder how do you manage. If I buy from my dealer he’ll load it in my SUV. However when I get home it will be difficult to get it out and onto the garage floor where I can place it on my handcart. Then when I get it next to my rack I need to maneuver it out of the box and up onto the rack. I guess I would need to see if my dealer would deliver it and place it on the rack. Probably for a fee. So that may work. But then if I need to paint, move furniture, resell the unit whatever I would need help. I think I can handle up to 40lbs. So how do you handle these amps? Is it a concern for you?  I’m spoiled by my Benchmark 12 lb AHB2. It’s also the reason I’ve been investigating Class D amps. 


Worst case would be to leave it on the floor until you could arrange to have some help. I wouldn’t let the inconvenience dissuade you.

@jfrmusic I would help you but I’m in another part of Jersey.
I do like @dill ’s idea though. You don’t want to do this type of heavy lifting yourself. If you pop a hemorrhoid you won’t be able to sit down and listen to your system for about a week. It will be a pain in the ass.

Ask audio friends for help. You probably need just 1 more person to move 60 - 100 lbs amplifier.  I had to hire 4 people to move 368 lbs per monoblock amplifier. You don't want to break your back.

I am pretty strong, and I recently carried my CODA #16 up the stairs to the office. That thing weighs about 110 lbs and I was thinking this is way too dangerous. It is not just the weight but how you need to carry the gear.

BTW - if the CODA 5.5 (or is it 6.5) is similar to the #16 as described in the other CODA thread then it would be a good match for the Harbeth. However, for my ears that match may not be perfect. I like the brighter AHB2 more with warm speakers like Harbeths.

I paired my Yamaha NS5000 with CODA #16 and got amazing results, say 95/100. That 5% was a little bit too much warmth with the slightly warmish NS5000 and the same warmish #16.

I now have the #16 in the office with my $1000 Magnepan LRS+. The LRS+ is a tiny bit bright. The LRS+ and the #16 pairing is incredible, 100/100. A better match for my ears than the much better NS5000 speaker and the CODA #16.

Another amp that you may like (built by CODA) is the Sanders Magtech. I got mine from Sanders for $4k used with 1-year warranty. The Sanders weighs about 45 lls and is sonically in-between the AHB2 and the CODA #16. It is very powerful amp, and I would bet great with Harbeth.

Another amp I am considering for my NS5000 is the SimAudio North Collection 761 or 861. The older Sim 860A that I heard was closer to the AHB2 than the #16 so that maybe a good match for me. The 761 is not too heavy.