PURON RESOLVE creates new options for better sound

If you already own one or more PURONs, you have come to appreciate them..  Imagine the possibilities, when you are no longer limited to plugging something into a receptacle, in order to hear further benefits...

PURON RESOLVE is a new product that is roughly the size of an outstretched hand, 7x4x1.  It offers the same exceptional properties as the PURON plug-in filter.  Some applications may include: over or inside components, cables, and inside the circuit breaker box.

The effects of PURON RESOLVE are noticeable and immediate,  They absolutely compliment the PURON plug-in filters.  Now, without the need for a wall receptacle or power conditioner, the sound of recorded music can be customized to new levels.




Compliment NOT the same as complement.

Just as AFFect not the same as EFFect.

Or, as the pundit said to appease the grammarian: there, their, they’re.

And still not a word to explain exactly what they do or how they do it. Hmmmm. Mpingo discs anyone?

I tried putting a box or 2 of stainless steel BB's on my amp. Moved them around because they did nothing in most places, until I put them directly over the back panel inputs.  Some improved clarity at the expense of sounding drier.  Oh well.

Good grief...yet another sleezeball product that depends on the gullibility of the avid high-end audiophile.  Break out your tin hats, everyone!