Most impactful for playing soft

Hi, my system is primaluna evo 300 separates with b&w 702 signature speakers.  I normally play music from a blue sound streamer through a ps audio nuwave dac.  When I play my system loud it sounds great to me, but when I play it at volumes my wife can deal with it sounds a bit thin.  What single upgrade would people recommend in order to most directly address this low volume problem.  I listen to heavy metal, r&b, rap and jazz for the most part.

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@secretguy -  

         A receiver with a loudness control :)

                                 OR: DSP

      (with which to program a little boost, at times*)

  But: let's not deprive the fact resistant of their beloved chasing-of-the-tail (with *the answer).,treble%20appear%20to%20be%20lacking.

@milog -

     One can preprogram a number of freq response ("loudness") curves, with one of these devices, for those special times:

I’m using a little 2.3 wpc amp from Decware. I have a custom 4wpc amp under construction.


Sounds interesting. Any thoughts on GLOW Amp One Single Ended Tube Amplifier - SPECIAL EDITION