Hegel comparison

I have the opportunity to buy either a Hegel 390 or 590.  Pricing to be negotiated, and there are no dealerships anywhere in my region that would allow me to hear either one before making a decision.

Does anybody have an opinion, based on live auditioning, re: the relative sonic profiles of these two products?

Thanks for any opinions based on first-hand experience.



What Are you running for speakers? I demoed a Hegel 190, and found it to be dull and flat. just my opinion. Do a live demo.

I could be wrong but I believe the DAC is basically the same between the 2. In a technical sense the notable upgrade is 50 more watts. And a slightly beefier power supply. 

Count me as not being a fan of the Hegel sound.  I have heard their integrated and power amps on at least 5 occasions at dealers with various sources and speakers and the sound ranged from bland and lifeless to overly punchy and bass heavy to unrefined and overly detailed and bright.  

Since a Hegel amp in a system never demonstrated acceptable sound to my ears I cannot recommend them, especially without you hearing them. 


I’m using Harbeths. I’ve heard many times over the years that they mate particularly well with Hegel & Ayre electronics.

What speakers / associated eqpt / sources gave you that "dull and flat" sound with the Hegel?  What other electronics worked better in your system?

This is useful information, thanks.




>I could be wrong but I believe the DAC is basically the same between the 2. In a technical sense the notable upgrade is 50 more watts. And a slightly beefier power supply. 

As I'm sure you'd agree, it's tough to sort through the responses to a question like this.  There are so many variables in everybody's system, power, and room, too many to list in most postings.

What I've gathered, by aggregating comments & reviews here & elsewhere, is that the H590's analog sound is a big step up from that of the H390; and that the H600's DAC is a big step up from the H590 DAC.

There doesn't seem to be consistency in what people hear re: other criteria.