Being a long time owner of a MC275 mk V, I can say that high end fuses do make a difference but one needs to upgrade all 5 and not just the Line fuse although just upgrading this fuse will yield benefits. Inside the chassis on the main PCB are 4 fuses and upgrading these, as well as the line fuse, yields a nice profound upgrade in clarity and musicality.
As far as tubes go, upgrading V1 to an EAT ECC803s had substantial improvements on resolution and upgrading the 12AT7's to Mullard CV4024 was another step up in resolution as well. As for the KT88's, the Gold Lion Genalex are a great upgrade especially over the stock tubes and for the remaining two 12AX7's, season to taste.
A good aftermarket power cord will yield benefits as well as will a good amp stand. I personally use mag levitation interfacing on a sand filled amp stand spiked to the concrete pad underneath the carpet.