Value of a preamp?

Other than impedance matching and volume control?


So when all the impedance values are matched up correctly with a passive attenuator, then a more true to the source sound is being heard.

@scm So then it becomes, when are all those pesky impedance values matched up correctly?  Impossible to know, so just use your ears.


"I have discovered some great preamps out there and I’m happy to recommend them should anyone be interested."


I’m interested in hearing what you recommend. Are there preamps that you think will work with a variety of amps, or do specific preamps need to be matched to certain amps?

I have also experienced the beauty of synergy between a preamp and amp. More often than not, the same brand of preamp and amp gives the best performance. But there can be exceptions.

My favorite preamps as of late are as follows:

Mola Mola Makua - $12,200 as a line stage. Phono card adds $3,000 and DAC card adds $8,500. Transparent, neutral, and dynamic!

Audionet Pre G2 - $23,350. Great body, transparency, dynamics, and 3-D.

Audionet Stern - $48,950.  The most transparent preamp I've ever heard. But it also has the most accurate tonality, best bass and bring things to life dynamically in stunning fashion.