Rega Planar 3 50th anniversary

Hello, this is my first post on this site. I’ve had various turntables over the years and currently own a Technics SL-1700 mk. 1. I’ve had it completely refurbished and I think it’s great. I can’t help being attracted to the 50th anniversary planar 3 with the looks and upgrades for the price. I’ve had an entry level pro-Ject manual belt driven table before. I’m curious if the planar 3 would be an upgrade from my Technics. Thanks — Matt


That’s good to know.  I moved to my Technics from an entry level pro-ject.  I prefer the Technics and direct drive in general to my old Pro-Ject, but I’ve wondered about trying a more high end belt driven turntable.  Thanks

I have had the P3 for a year and a half, and it's been amazing. I am planning to upgrade the needle some day. But it's dead quiet, unforgivingly accurate, and since I got a phono preamp, I have no desire to change anything, it sounds gorgeous.

Thanks.  You’re not making my decision any easier.  😀. The 50th anniversary edition comes with the top of the line Rega mm cartridge and the Neo PSU MK2 Power Supply and it has a faux wood plinth which I think looks great.  It seems like it’s essentially a P6 for the P3 price.  There are only a few left for sale because they were only supposed to be available in 2023, but some dealers still have a few.

the direct vs belt drive cults are as old as the turntable itself. If you don't mind that the Rega is 100% manual, I'd go for it. It's not an upgrade to the Technics in most aspects but different look, different design, and very likely different sound too. 

I would also make the move only if I could sell the Technics, but that's just me. 



  your question is would a Rega P3 improve over a Technics Direct Drive.

I once owned a Rega P5.  They sold with an extra box that was supposed to guarantee speed stability.  I should have asked myself why they needed a separate box to cure a problem that they couldn’t fix with the base table.  With or without the box, it had terrible speed instability issues, particularly at end of side.  I had a record that had the first movement of Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata at the end of side one.  The famous piano triplets were so distorted that they sounded like an ondes martinot.  The same lp sounds superb with my Technics Direct Drive.

  I notice that reviews, particularly UK reviews, of Rega tables seem to spend a lot of time reproducing Rega measurements claiming they have solved speed instability issues.  One wonders why they doth protest so much…I simply will never invest again in a Rega table.  Fool me once…