Accuphase E-5000 factory power cord good enough?

I have Accuphase E5000 plugged into my Equitech son of q jr. balanced power supply. Sounds great and I have had the Equitech for a good 15 years now. Everything is dead quiet, not even a hiss coming from the system. Just started thinking about power cords and if it is worth it, I’m in the U.S., if that matters. Thanks

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I would use an Accuphase a power cord.  I am using a pair of their interconnects on a Sony music server with excellent results. 


I would try Zavfino Fina or Majestic. And AE’s Ocean Expanded or Mega. I would also consult with Captain at Audio Envy. There is also a listing on USAudio Mart for Audio Envy Ocean Elite 3P for $125. That’s a good price if you don’t buying used.