I took Frank Zappa’s advice

I’ve never actually heard this album but apparently Frank and I have the same taste. I listen to everything that way. 

Zappa - Ship Arriving Too Late to Save a Drowning Witch:

"This album has been engineered to sound correct on JBL 4311 speakers or an equivalent. Best results will be achieved if you set your pre-amp tone controls to the flat position with the loudness control in the off position. Before adding any treble or bass to the sound of the album, it would be advisable to check it out this way first. F.Z."


Is there anything that says Zappa more than the album cover/title of 

Sheik Yerbouti ?


If you think something might be off with your system (bad power supply capacitor) when listening to Frank, what you might be hearing is just Dinah Moe Hum.