Obvious Epiphany

I don't have golden ears and am relatively inexperienced when it comes to being an audiophile. Things like pace, rhythm and timing, jitter and other such things are pretty meaningless to me (and I'm fine with that). But my one audiophile super power is speaker position as it relates to sound stage. I actually think it is less of a super power and more of a sensitivity....or deficiency....that is probably based on the fact that the hearing in my left ear is worse than my right and both of them are 60 years old.

In any case, for a number of years it has seemed to me that most music seems to be weighted to the right channel, particularly vocals. I have three systems; one is relatively high end, the other is semi high end and the third is mid-fi at best. All three seem right channel heavy depending on the song (there are notable exceptions between songs, some of which seem left channel predominant). I chalked this up to the difference in my hearing. And that is probably the case.

I experiment a lot with minor changes in speaker position within the confines of my room parameters. This mostly involves degrees of toe-in, distance between speakers and distance from listening position (which is pretty room limited with my main system). But, in all these experiments, all of which render subtle differences, I always kept my listening position equidistant from the two speakers. In other words at the point of an isosceles triangle. I don't know why.

In any case I was recently listening to my midfi system, which ironically has the best room situation of the three and the right channel predominance was getting on my nerves and I just slid my listening position to the left about two feet or so. Bingo. Sound stage centered up nicely. The songs that I know to have more of a left channel predominance stayed about the same and were not more heavily left weighted.

I know this sounds like a 'duh' moment. But for those with imperfect ears, imperfect rooms or imperfect systems this might be worth a try if your sound stage is skewed to one side or the other. I guess the take home message is to try everything. Even if the classic speaker position diagrams say otherwise.

(I have less leeway with listening position with my main system but moving further less has made a big difference there as well.)



What direction the sound appears to be coming from, including the phantom cener image, is dependent on two cues—the relative loudness of the sound and the ‘timing” cue—how much how much sooner one signal arrives vs. the other.  By moving closer to one speaker you increased both the loudness cue and the timing cue of the speaker to shift the image in that direction.  As others have mentioned, you could just change the loudness cue with a balance control.

In my set up, if I move only two inches one way or the other, I get a substantial image change.  I hear the same magnitude of change when listening to almost all systems when moving my position more than a few inches (less so with omni-directional speakers like the MBLs).  

My ancient VAC Cla1 MK III pre amp has two volume controls, one for each channel. It's easy to make adjustments if needed.

Why not just move the left speaker forward of the right speaker or the right speaker back? I've found the Sumiko setup to be the optimal way to place speakers and they often end up uneven with each other. They're your ears, not the person's who made the diagram. Go with what sounds best to you and your room.

Sumiko Setup

I don’t have much leeway for moving the speakers of my main system much at all.

Somewhat the same situation in my other so-so system. Just easier to move the listening position.

I have used balance on the NAD integrated in my mid-fi system. I use my so-so system with a Sonos amp and it has balance control through the app. Not sure of the pros and cons of that.

My main system is relatively old. Proceed (Levinson) amp, Audio Research tube preamp with no balance control. No loudness option.

Which brings me to a mini-rant. It seems like doing away with balance control and loudness was a mistake based on some sort of misguided vanity. In my opinion no system is good enough to overcome every room issue (or listener issue) on its own and very few systems are great at low volume without a loudness option. Shoot, a good system should give you a range of loudness algorithms to choose from.