Does a turntable mat make any difference?

One came free with my RUSH 2112 vinyl disc.

Google seems to think so.



@jjbeason14   Music is a personal choice and we should all listen to what moves us.  To my ears, Getty Lee sounds like nails on a blackboard.  And while Neil Peart may have been a good drummer, I've always found his lyrics to be sophomoric.  Again, it's all personal preference.  For me, if it's Lee, it's Lee Morgan, and if it's Neil, it's Neil Young.  Rock on my friend.

It's not a huge change in sound but I replaced my original felt pad on my VPI with a rubber one. It did help reduce the static electricity I got with the felt pad.


Sota's mat is also the same durometer and mechanical impedance as vinyl and 1/4" thick. I do not think they sell them separately. The silent needle test also works best when the record is firmly clamped to the mat by either vacuum, reflex clamping or CS Port's trick with the heavy weight and concave platter. I remember as a child listening to the needle talk of my Zenith Portable. Remember the Cobra tonearm? It even had eyes painted on it.