Does a turntable mat make any difference?

One came free with my RUSH 2112 vinyl disc.

Google seems to think so.



no mat for me.....tried many, adjusted vta et mat for me







bigtwin I defy you to hate the RUSH after listening to'Music does not get better than this' recording.


Stringreen thanks for posting!



I just recently bought a turntable mat from VPI for my Scoutmaster. I think that the results were not night and day, but I did notice a bit more control and command, not only from the sound, but also from the calming effect it had on my unipivit tone arm "wobble" which I can't stand.

Many threads on this subject with some of the same contributors saying some of the same things. More to come I’m sure.

I replaced the mat that came with my Rega 6 with a Herbie way excellent, it made a positive difference.