I think there may be a bit of Ken Fritz in many of us.  How many of the people close to us feel we have gone overboard in equipment acquisition and or obsessing with the sound of our systems?

I read in a book once "What does it profit a man if he gain the whole world but looses his own soul?"


One other thing hits me about this story. The WP writer seems to imply that striving for excellence is a mental illness. Isn't that just typical of a certain way of thinking espoused by a certain type people driven mad with envy and lust for control over the objects of their derision? 

I think it depends on the stated objectives and how those objectives effect others, and at what expense. Sometimes those outcomes are unknown in present time and may lie dorment for years (centuries?) before the final "balance sheet:" is known. 

i will judge more harshly those who judge others too harsley than the passion of this man...

I was myself consumed by the fever to create my acoustic room 24 hours by day for at least one full year...

My wife thought i was crazy...

Fritz taught us a lesson with his life and he succeedded his dream....

Our life impact go beyond ourself anyway , and most dont know why they are here ....