Are Quicksilver power tube amps in the same league as VAC, VTL, BAT, ARC, ...?

I see that VAC, VTL, BAT, ACR power tube amps are almost twice or more expensive than Quicksilver power tube amps at the same power ratings.
Are Quicksilver power amps as good as twice or more expensive brands?
I am considering power tube amps with 80, 100, or 120Watts power ratings and I just wonder.
I don't have much budget (under 5K) and my choice is either new QS or those other brands used.
If not QS, which brands are best bang for the buck for power tube amps?
I need to drive 87dB speaker, so the power has to be at least 80Watts.
Thanks for your input.

Czarivey: Agree.   in terms of breaking down the 8407 monos were in a league of their own.  They made me swear off of tube amps forever.


I think that you misunderstood what @czarivey  was saying. He thinks that they are reliable.

"@russellrcncom Czarivey: Agree. in terms of breaking down the 8407 monos were in a league of their own. They made me swear off of tube amps forever."


8417 you mean? Not 8407.

After the supply of good 8417 output tubes became more scarce, better than most manufacturers would do, Mike Sanders of Quicksilver offered a $275 service to convert and reconfigure them to EL34 based tube amps. There are folks out there still running the Quicksilver 8417 monos today, originally manufactured 1984-1988.