What to ask when buying used speakers?

I have purchased used components in the past and I can do this with confidence their functionality is well defined and easily verified. I am starting to look for a new set of speakers and will consider buying used. Assuming that I am doing this over distance and will not be able to inspect or demo the speakers in person, what are some good questions to ask to determine the real state of the speakers? Any red flags? Can used speakers have incurred subtle damages or wear that will affect the sound? For the sake of discussion, let's assume that they are less than five years old so we can rule out decaying surrounds and old caps, etc.


I failed to mention: Even if the seller accepts a bad speaker back and pays the return shipping one way or both or if it is covered under the manufacturer’s warranty, let’s not forget the hassle, inconvenience and wasted time involved! Time is one commodity we can’t get back! Personally, my time is worth more than the savings, and who doesn't love the smell of fresh electronics 😉! My advice again- when it comes to speakers-buy new unless you’re buying from a friend or trusted source and have tested the speakers first.



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Grisly, not so sure many mfg would be open to that. Worth a call for the right speaker though.

And there’s always the chance of nothing ever going wrong. Which honestly is probably the case with most quality speakers.


"If there is a problem with them that can be fixed, who in my locality can do the work?"

@zlone  I have purchased used speakers in the past and have had no problems.  Acoustic Zen Crescendo MK ll, and a set of Focal Sopra 2 were the last two sets. Not cheap speakers.  In both cases, using email and video calls, I was able to get a good feel for the seller, hear the speakers being used, and have the seller slowly walk around the speakers in good light, showing every aspect of the speaker in detail.  I could confirm the original packaging was available and the condition.  After agreeing on the shipper, there was no reason to believe they would not arrive as described.  And they did.  Speakers get shipped around the world by manufacturers every day.  No reason to think the used speakers will be damaged in shipping, and you fully insure just to be safe.  Do your due diligence, and you should be fine.  IMHO